Certificate of Recognition Template
Certificate of Recognition pesented to _____________________________ in recognition of _____________________________ Signed:________ Date:________
Certificate of Recognition pesented to _____________________________ in recognition of _____________________________ Signed:________ Date:________
This certificate is awarded to ______________________________________________ In recognition of the satisfactory completion of the prescribed in Aerobics Instructor and Personal Trainer Step-Kickboxing-Group Exercise The International…
Training Academy certifies that has successfully completed the core curriculum and intensified training as part of the advanced Real Estate Program. noted this date _____…
CERTIFICATE OF ADOPTION This is to certify that _________________________ Name of Parent has adopted _________________________ Name of Adopted on _________________________ Date
Certificate of ACHIEVEMENT Awarded to _______________________________________________ for superior achievement in _______________________________________________ Given this ________ day of ______ in the year ________ signed _________________________________________
Certificate of Excellence YYYY Communications Contest This Certificate is awarded to ___________________________________ for the entry entitled ___________________________________ Regional or Membership Circulation ________________________________ President Contest Chair
YOU MAKE THE Difference We recognize __________________________ for making a positive difference! _________ ____________
Medical Institute Certificate of Continuin Medical Education Presented on ________________ to: __________________________________________ in recognition of satisfactory completion of the The Medical Institute is accredited by…
Chritmas Gift Exemption Voucher This certifies that: ________________________________ is exempt from the exchange of Christmas Gifts with: ________________________________ Signature ____________ Signature _____________ Date _________ Merry…
Stock Certificate Template